I remember my mother taking me to the theaters to watch to Forrest Gump as a child. Everyone remembers the iconic child Jenny in a thick southern accent yelling "RUN FORREST, RUN" and magically his legs where fixed, and he could run everywhere. I remember thinking "why would ANYONE want to run?"
I would rather ride a bike or walk somewhere than run anywhere. It wasn't that I was anti active, it was just I didn't like running.
Well DIDN'T till a few months ago when I set a personal goal for myself.
Yep, I want to run a marathon. Obviously you cannot run 26 miles starting out, it is a process you have to work up to; which means, commitment. I've never had a fear of commitment, so I hit this challenge head on.
The only problem was, I didn't like running. Or so I thought.
After the first few weeks, averaging about .75 miles without stopping and swearing I was never going to do it, I got INTO it!
I was out on Saturday afternoons running around our neighborhood, averaging 4 miles without stopping thinking "I can go further". With no one pushing me, and without that nagging "I hate running" going on in my head.
So I took it indoors (Because winter in England can get COOOLD and windy), though I do get bored running in a 2x4 box of doom; I could still average out 3+ miles.
So now we can yell "RUN AMY, RUN". And I will just keep on going because I can! The first step into this goal is:
Half Marathon
Full Marathon
Half Marathon
Full Marathon
I will keep this updated as I get further into my goal.
Go Amy!